IR Systems
We work with clients to develop both internal and external mechanisms to ensure consistency, accuracy and timeliness of information disclosure and communications with all stakeholders, including regulators.
While there are several aspects to a best practice IR program, one of its key components is undoubtedly consistency. It is crucial for a company to have a systematic approach to its IR and financial communications.
PYI Consulting works with its clients to develop both internal and external mechanisms to ensure consistency, accuracy and timeliness of information disclosure and communications with all stakeholders, including regulators.
We help our clients set up their own internal IR team and we train the IR team based on the rules and regulations governing their specific exchange yet with an emphasis on international best practice standards.
We establish IR feedback systems to ensure that the IR program meets the needs of the investment community and we produce comprehensive quarterly IR Management Report so that CEOs and CFOs can evaluate the effectiveness of our activities.