Market Signal Analysis
PYI Consulting conducts anonymous, independent market surveys and interviews with equity analysts, brokers, fund managers and specialized media.
What does the market think of your company’s strategy? Do you really know? Most CEOs today simply do not receive straight, unbiased feedback from shareholders, investors and investment professionals.
They see their share price underperform and they think there are some unknown, uncontrollable factors at play. If CEOs of publicly listed companies really knew what the market thought of their corporate strategy, they might change tack and move their company in a different, more value-adding direction.
PYI Consulting conducts anonymous, independent market surveys and interviews with equity analysts, brokers, fund managers and specialized media. We get in-depth, unbiased feedback on how they view your company, how they assess its value and what they think of its strategy and IR program.
The feedback is then used in our Fair Value Gap Analysis and often helps explain why there is a gap between fair value and actual share price.