Performance Evaluation
While our Performance Evaluation consulting team is entirely independent and non-ideological, however, we believe that the public sector should not lose sight of its purpose: serve the public.
Comparing governments and corporations may seem like a futile exercise yet both have at least one thing in common: they are -and must be- accountable to their relevant stakeholders. In the case of corporations, the stakeholders are often the shareholders and investors. In the case of governments, stakeholders are the citizens who have empowered them to lead and govern.
As Asian countries seek to close the economic and development gap with their counterparts in the West, they must be held accountable to the highest standards of performance. Our Government Consulting practice has long been known to elected and appointed officials alike for its dedication to bringing relevant market principles and management techniques into the public sector.
While our Performance Evaluation consulting team is entirely independent and non-ideological, however, we believe that the public sector should not lose sight of its purpose: serve the public.
We help our government clients through the evaluation of various public sector reform options, potential market principles centered on accountability and transparency, as well as customers-centric management techniques. Our performance-based evaluations seek to identify obstacles to best practice governance, understand the organizational issues affecting the adopting of possible reforms and linking performance measurement into performance management.